The article is devoted to the role of innovations in the functioning of the tourism sphere and the justification of the model of innovative development of tourist destinations in Ukraine. The main approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "destination" are considered and attention is focused on their features in the process of functioning of the tourism industry. It is argued that because of the need for constant development of tourist destinations on an innovative basis, it is necessary to approach the solution of this issue comprehensively. The model of innovative development of tourist destinations in Ukraine is presented, taking into account the most important aspects of the operation of tourist enterprises and factors affecting their activities. Approaches to increasing the level of innovative development of tourist destinations from the standpoint of using effective levers of public administration, improving financial and credit, and regulatory and information support of the tourism industry are proposed. It is substantiated that the model of innovative development of tourist destinations in Ukraine is correlated with the action of the levers of public management, that is, the presence of an effective management vertical in the state capable of ensuring the progressive development of the tourism industry. It is argued that the directions of financial and credit support for the development of tourist destinations in Ukraine proposed in the article are designed to simplify access to the necessary funds for tourist entities, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency of their activities and strengthening innovative positions on the market. It was noted that an important direction of innovative development of tourist destinations is its information support, thanks to which there is an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of tourist services. It is proven that to effectively interact with the elements of the proposed model, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of the following provisions: the formation of an effective management system of the tourism industry at the state and regional levels.
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