This article discusses the importance of introducing modern technologies and innovations in the field of maritime transport. The relationship between growing trade volumes and growing demand for maritime services and congestion of port infrastructures and logistical difficulties is explored. The influence of geopolitical conflicts and natural disasters on the sustainability of sea routes is considered. The main trends are discussed in the field of maritime transportation, including the use of autonomous vessels, safety management systems, and innovative technologies to ensure environmental safety. Autonomous vessels equipped with advanced technologies can reduce risks and optimize routes, adapting to changing sea conditions. An important element is the introduction of automated systems and artificial intelligence to optimize management. The integration of artificial intelligence allows forecasting optimal routes, managing cargo, and automating certain processes. Optimization of logistics processes and development of port infrastructure; efficiency of maritime transport management. The use of modern technologies in port infrastructure has reached the scale and efficiency of vessel maintenance. Attention is drawn to the importance of environmental responsibility in the field of maritime transport. The use of efficient waste treatment systems, alternative energy sources and the replacement of traditional engines help reduce the negative impact on the environment. The importance of sustainable development of maritime transport is emphasized through a combination of economic, social and environmental aspects. Adopting green technologies and improving logistics processes are key strategies to achieve this goal. It is noted that training and development of personnel, the introduction of effective communication systems and psychological support, as well as cooperation between countries are necessary to ensure the safety and efficiency of maritime transport management. The importance of enhancing international standards and legal initiatives to ensure safety and compliance with global community requirements in the field of maritime transportation is emphasized.
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