The article is devoted to topical issues of the influence of social responsibility of business on the effectiveness of management. The factors of formation and influence of the information communication system within the social responsibility of business are analyzed and systematized. The well-founded influence of market institutions, which lead to the fact that, considering the process of institutionalization as a fundamental factor in the formation and development of social responsibility of business and the entrepreneurial environment, it should be understood that the actions of institutions should to some extent be the basis of the expected behavior of the business entity. That is why the process of building and forming both institutions and the entrepreneurial environment takes place in the context of constant social interaction of different groups of society. At the same time, the institutionalization of the social responsibility of business is a process in which public needs begin to be realized as general social rather than private. Organization of social reporting allows to demonstrate the results of the charitable sponsorship programs carried out by the business entity, as well as any other socially significant aspects of its activities that contribute to the improvement of relations with consumers, state bodies, contractors and other groups of society. Assessment of the process of forming information support of social responsibility of business, in one form or another, occupies a special place in the activity of the enterprise. It is from the correct organization of the process itself that the result of the process, and all information provision as a whole, depends. The main parameters of the process include the adequacy of the organization, methods and techniques for the formation of information support, protection of information about the social responsibility of business in accordance with the characteristics of the enterprise's activities, as well as areas of social responsibility. For effective management of any economic process occurring at the enterprise, a clear definition of its main categories that are system-forming, as well as the logic of their formation and development, is necessary.
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