Keywords: bioeconomy, perception, innovation, sustainable development, questionnaire, micro level, stakeholders


While scientists are actively engaged in the conceptualization of the bioeconomy as a comprehensive link of sustainable economic development, there are many direct stakeholders of the bioeconomic transformation and its implementation in practice whose perception was not previously taken into account when developing strategic directions of sustainable bioeconomy strategies and models development. The purpose of the article is to study the perception of the bioeconomic transformation concept by the main stakeholders at the micro level to form strategic and pollical decisions at all levels of management, the development of curricula and disciplines, and the conduct of scientific research. Using several data obtained through a questionnaire survey in three target subgroups (scientific and innovative sector, business and industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations), we have formed an approximate vision of the bioeconomic transformation perception from the academic, governmental, and entrepreneurial point of view. According to the results, the bioeconomy concept is closely related to the circular use of biomass for various purposes, ecosystem services, and sustainable land management. Bioeconomy has great potential for business development and innovation, contributes to sustainable economic development, gives advantages for developing rural areas, strengthens mitigation of climate change, and creates new jobs. Its potential for economic and innovative growth is less visible. All respondents there firmly believe the public is not sufficiently informed about Ukraine's bioeconomy and development prospects. The most promising sector from the point of view of bio-economic transformation is agriculture - in the primary sector- and bioenergy - in Ukraine's secondary sector. The scientific and innovative sector and the business environment are more ready for bioeconomy development than the public sector. Still, the whole sphere is relatively consistent in its mental areas of responsibility. The main negative factor remains the favorable state policy and legislative support adapted to regional needs. The study expands the debate on introducing the concept of bioeconomy in Ukraine. It fills the scientific gap in the perception of bioeconomic transformation by external parties at the micro level.


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How to Cite
Vostriakova, V. (2024). PERCEPTION OF BIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION BY KEY STAKEHOLDERS AT THE MICRO LEVEL. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 17-28.