Keywords: e-commerce, entrepreneurship, business management, e-business, e-platforms


The article is devoted to topical issues of the role and place of e-commerce in entrepreneurship. The role of e-commerce in business management as a business scaling tool is defined. The most popular analytical tools for collecting, analyzing and using data for decision-making are analyzed. Effective methods of promoting e-commerce are indicated. The benefits of using e-commerce for enterprise managers and small business owners are substantiated. The rationality of the decision to open an online store and the use of e-commerce platforms, which gives the opportunity to go to the international level, has been determined. Possible risks associated with the use of e-commerce tools are outlined. Suggestions are given regarding the manager's behavior in business activities when using e-commerce in business. Attention is focused on the need for business readiness for innovative changes. Study of the issue of quality of service and customer safety, as a guarantee of a good image and reputation of the enterprise, and its position on the market. The focus is on relationships with suppliers when conducting business through electronic commerce. An algorithm for debugging and long-term support of relations with suppliers is proposed. The range of problems faced by business owners when implementing e-commerce is determined. Problems related to dependence on technologies and the need to constantly update the knowledge of personnel working with these technologies were studied. The issue of security as a problem of leakage of information about customer databases is investigated. The issue of the efficiency of operational processes in the organization of the chain of delivery of goods ordered via the Internet is also important. The solution to the issues of effective advertising and marketing measures for the promotion of goods or services through e-platforms is substantiated. Ways to solve emerging problems related to business through Internet resources are proposed. Improving the web page, improving customer service, operational work through social media, e-mail, content marketing, SEO and other channels all contribute to the growth and development of e-business. The opportunities for the enterprise that open up when the e-commerce management system is properly set up are identified.


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How to Cite
Dekaliuk, O. (2024). PROBLEMS OF ELECTRONIC COMMERCE IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 5-9.