The scientific article is devoted to the issues of the development of e-governance of the socio and economic development of local communities of Ukraine. The implementation of e-governance in local communities and cities of Ukraine is an urgent task aimed at the development of qualitatively new forms of communication between business, residents of regions, communities, cities and local authorities. In particular, the article pays special attention to the tools of e-democracy used at the level of local communities, namely: the services "School Public Budget", "Local Electronic Petitions", "Public Budget", "Public Consultations", "Open City", which operate on the "Unified Platform of Local Electronic Democracy", as well as a site builder, SVOI chatbot, a citizen activity center, etc. The tools of e-democracy considered in the article are the basis for solving not only social and political issues of the development of Ukrainian communities, but also economic tasks: local budgeting, development of business, labor market, etc. The development of e-government tools was actualized in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The need to create secure communications between community residents, business and state authorities in matters of providing e-public services increases their role in society and the economy. In addition, e-democracy tools create conditions for the growth of social and economic activity of community residents; development of effective forms of interaction and understanding between business and local authorities; growth of the community's economic potential; solving important social and environmental problems of its development. The conducted research proves the importance of e-democracy tools for the socio and economic development of local communities of Ukraine, and therefore their further development in Ukraine remains relevant and vitally necessary, especially in the conditions of martial law and Ukraine's desire to integrate into the European space. Implementation and development of e-democracy tools based on EU principles is a guarantee of the country's future success on the way to European integration and ensuring a high standard of living for residents of Ukrainian communities.
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