Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for the reproduction of the technical base of agricultural enterprises. Methodology of research. The following methods and techniques are used to realize the tasks set out in the research: monographs, statistical groups – for a comprehensive study of the current state of agricultural production, features of the formation and efficiency of use of elements of the material and technical base (MTB) of agricultural production, as well as to determine the factors that affect the intensity MTB playback; selective – for a detailed survey of individual producers on the calculation of complex indicators of the intensity of reproduction of individual elements of the MTB; comparison – to compare economic phenomena at different time periods in order to identify cause and effect. Findings. It is established that the number of tractors in agricultural enterprises per 1000 ha of arable land decreased by 42%, combine harvesters – 35% per 1000 ha of cereals. At the same time, the capacity of the tractor engines per 1,000 hectares of the corresponding type of agricultural land decreased by only 15%, the combine harvesters – by 2%. Therefore, with a significant decrease in the number of technical means revealed a decrease in the performance of the equipment, which gives reason to conclude that it is replaced with more power models. It was found that the process of optimization of the number of tractors was taking place at the agricultural enterprises depending on the land use area: no significant fluctuations in the number of tractors are observed in farms with an area of 500.1–5000 ha; in small agribusiness entities, the number of tractor fleets decreased in 2016 relative to 2015, due to the strategic goals of their development to intensify the production process. Originality. The systematization of the factors influencing the processes of reproduction of components of MTB of agricultural enterprises, namely: natural and climatic; technical and technological; organizational and economic, political and legal, vectors and the degree of their influence on reproductive dynamics are shown, which will help to reach reasonable conclusions about the activation of reproductive processes. Practical value. The proposed measures for the technical re-equipping of agricultural enterprises can be used in the preparation of a prospective investment plan of an agricultural business entity. Practical recommendations on the complete set of basic types of agricultural machinery, depending on the area of land use, can be used in the development of business plans for production and economic activity of enterprises of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy.
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