This article presents a hybrid vertical model of regulation of financial markets in periods of active transformation. A model that includes macro-, meso- and micro-level regulation, the creation of a specialized mesoprudential agency aimed at targeted supervision to mitigate risks in specific clusters of financial institutions. Emphasizing the importance of microprudential regulation, the article argues that self-regulatory organizations play a key role in the macroprudential policy of the Central Bank, ensuring better risk management and rapid information exchange with the regulator. Tools and indicators are proposed for each level of regulation aimed at strengthening the strategic decision-making process without burdening the central regulator. Emphasizing the role of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) as a mega-regulator, the authors of the article recommend the establishment of unified industry standards and support for the implementation of regulation at lower levels. The challenges and opportunities for the mega-regulator during a state of war are examined, including alternative measures of monetary policy and enhanced risk management. Challenges for the meso-regulator are also considered, particularly in targeted supervision during crises, information failures, and operational risks. In addition, the article analyzes the challenges faced by the NBU and the financial sector worldwide, including market resistance, implementation complexities, coordination issues with other regulators, and political interference. By proposing a structured regulatory architecture for the hybrid model, the methodology defines the roles, tools, and mechanisms of interaction between regulatory levels. Recommendations for successful implementation include a robust legal framework, capacity-building through staff training and resource allocation, as well as a continuous review process for adapting the model to the evolving financial landscape. These steps aim to ensure effective and adaptive management of the transforming financial sector.
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