Keywords: competition, competitive advantages, digitalization, digital competitive strategies, factors of increasing competitiveness


The article explores digital tools that enhance competitiveness and digitalization factors shaping the competitive environment in the context of digitalization. To achieve the objective of the study, the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, and comparative analysis were used. It has been determined that digitalization factors in the digital economy have a multifaceted impact, forming the latest competitive conditions and creating opportunities to ensure sustainable long-term competitive positions. The author analyses the world experience in assessing competitiveness and identifying promising areas for ensuring competitiveness based on the assessment of global competitiveness indicators and digital competitiveness. Based on the areas determined by the factors that form the Competitiveness and Digital Competitiveness Indices, the article identifies the components of an enterprise's activities in which the use of digital tools and platforms has positive effects in terms of improving the competitive position of the enterprise. In terms of technological, market, marketing, innovation, organizational, managerial, and personnel components, this article examines digitalization tools for enterprise activities and assesses their effect on enhancing an enterprise's competitiveness. The anticipated benefits comprise enhancing the production and product quality, minimizing transaction costs, enhancing business process efficiency, generating brand recognition for both the company and products, streamlining consumer interaction, refining supplier marketing and advertising campaigns, broadening revenue channels, optimizing workforce output and communications, and augmenting staff proficiency in digital technology. Developing a comprehensive approach to considering the external factors created by digitalization processes and the potential to enhance competitiveness through the utilization of digital tools. The practical significance of the study is revealed in the proposed digital tools and platforms for increasing competitiveness in terms of technological, market, marketing, organizational management and people components of the company.


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How to Cite
Pushkar, T., Sobolieva, H., & Slavuta, O. (2023). DIGITALIZATION AS A FACTOR OF ENSURING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(47), 165-170.