Keywords: farms, instability, sources of financing, capital investments, financial result


Farms are an important form of management in agriculture, which has become widespread in the world. Development of agriculture in most developed countries of the world is carried out on the basis of the farming system. The purpose of the article is to investigate the state of development of national farms in conditions of instability. The author researched the formation of farms in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The main 5 stages of their formation and transformation are analyzed in particular, 1. mass creation; 2. approval of the farming system; 3.1. acceleration of the processes of growth and concentration of their land uses, purchase of technical and other fixed assets, attraction of additional capital, 3.2. capital concentration processes are slowing down, and in order to reduce the tax burden farms are partially transformed into personal peasant farms; 4. decrease in the number of farms, the growth of their land use areas, slowing down the rate of quantitative development of the material and technical base and strengthening of qualitative transformation trends in production potential; the fifth stage has begun provoked by the war, the economic consequences of which caused significant damage to the production and income of farmers. However, the situation of farmers improved in 2023, farmers received financial support from both the state and international donors – preferential lending, grants for business development, free seeds and fertilizer. The state of development of national farms in conditions of instability is substantiated. The dynamics of the number of farms in Ukraine were analyzed and the area of agricultural land in their use, wages to employees, condition of agricultural machinery, collected areas, yield of the main agricultural crops and production of plant and animal products. Sources of financing capital investments of farmers are singled out. It has been studied that statistical data on small enterprises reflect trends of change and the level of indicators of economic activity of farms. Therefore, calculations of the efficiency of the activities of Ukrainian farms were carried out based on the data of small enterprises. The analysis of the structure of capital investments in agriculture in terms of small and micro enterprises was carried out and the structure of the financial result of their activity is reflected.


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How to Cite
Nechytailo, V. (2023). STATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF NATIONAL FARMS IN CONDITIONS OF INSTABILITY. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(47), 158-164.