Purpose. The aim of the article is substantiation of theoretical and methodological provisions on technological renewal and modernization of agricultural enterprises as an innovative direction of increasing their competitiveness. Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the research is scientific methods of cognition based on a systematic approach to solving the tasks. A number of general and specific scientific approaches and methods have been used to achieve the stated goal and to obtain the results of the research: dialectical and monographic methods (when developing scientific publications); methods of analogy and comparison (in substantiating the processes of technological updating of agricultural production and modernization of agricultural enterprises, as well as in determining the mechanisms of increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises); a comprehensive approach (in substantiating the directions of innovative activity). Findings. It is substantiated that the modernization of agrarian enterprise is a state of its sustainable and effective development, which is based on the introduction into production of the achievements of scientific and technological progress aimed at updating the material and technical base in order to achieve the production of products with innovative filling and competitive in the external market. It is determined that increasing the activity of innovative activity of domestic agricultural enterprises is one of the main prerequisites for stability and sustainable development of the agrarian economy. Successful functioning of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of development of competition is possible only with the implementation of systematic technological updating of agricultural production. Originality. It is established that the main tool for improving the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy is an innovative model of development, in which the improvement of the efficiency of agricultural production at the present stage is largely due to the widespread implementation in the practice of domestic and world achievements of scientific and technological progress. Practical value. Active implementation of innovative model of development of agricultural enterprises into the domestic practice will help to increase their competitiveness in the domestic and world markets of agricultural products.
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