Keywords: financial assets, cash, receivables, financial investments, economic-mathematical methods, regression-correlation analysis


The article presents the results of economic and mathematical modeling for the effective management of financial assets of enterprises in the food industry, engineering, agriculture, and the service sector. The influence of internal factors (profitability of sales; the share of current liabilities in sources of financing; the turnover ratio of receivables; the turnover ratio of stocks; the ratio of receivables and payables; the coefficient of autonomy; the coefficient of maneuverability of own capital; the share of production potential in the assets of enterprises) on the turnover ratio financial assets of the enterprise, which is one of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of their use. The financial assets of the enterprise were chosen as the object of the study, since determining the state, structure and efficiency of their use is one of the main tasks of the analysis, because in order to ensure long-term production and effective financial activity, the enterprise must have a sufficient level of liquid resources in order to be able to cover creditor obligations and maintain solvency. Since financial assets are an indicator that is the sum of its components and depends on the specifics of the activities of enterprises in various sectors of the economy, it is not rational to take its absolute value as a performance indicator. To build a regression model and assess the impact of the most significant factors on the company's financial assets, the turnover ratio of financial assets was chosen as one of the main indicators characterizing the efficiency of their use. In order to identify reserves for improving the efficiency of the use of financial assets, the following tasks were set and solved: the components and factors influencing the performance indicator (the turnover ratio of financial assets) were determined; a detailed analysis of financial asset management was carried out with the help of data analysis tools, in particular the regression-correlation method, which allows not only to provide an economic-mathematical model of the relationship, but also to show the influence of factors on the studied performance indicator.


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How to Cite
Kravets, D., & Semenova, K. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF FACTORS ON THE EFFICIENCY OF THE USE OF FINANCIAL ASSETS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(47), 105-108.