Keywords: web analytics, machine learning methods, digital economy, mathematical statistics, artificial intelligence, digitization, intelligent decision-making systems


In modern conditions, due to the digitization of socio-economic phenomena, more and more businesses are moving their activity to the Internet. Modern web technologies allow collecting large amounts of statistical data for analyzing the effectiveness of economic activities of internet resources. To make more effective management decisions, it is appropriate to use machine learning methods alongside classical statistical methods. This article describes basic machine learning methods and various examples of their application to solve problems in web resource analytics. The issues related to the insufficient effectiveness of classical statistical methods for making optimal management decisions are analyzed. Different directions of the digital economy where machine learning methods can be applied as an alternative to classical statistical methods are investigated. Examples of implementing machine learning methods to enhance the efficiency of various tasks in the digital business environment of enterprises are provided. In the scientific article described cases of applying such king of task as: 1) application of supervised machine learning methods for revenue forecasting in e-commerce projects; 2) utilization of unsupervised machine learning methods for user segmentation; 3) implementation of machine learning methods for developing recommendation systems; 4) deployment of artificial intelligence algorithms for prediction and anomaly detection tasks; 5) integration of genetic algorithms for optimizing online advertising campaigns; 6) application of Uplift modeling method to optimize marketing communication expenses; 7) implementation of the multi-armed bandit algorithm for optimizing A/B testing; 8) designing chatbots using various types of neural networks for natural language processing, such as multi-layer perceptron, convolutional neural network, recursive neural network, recurrent neural network, and Long Short-Term Memory. The expediency of applying artificial intelligence methods to solve a wide range of internet resource analysis tasks is demonstrated.


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How to Cite
Zhukovskyi, D., & Lozovska, L. (2023). ANALYSIS OF THE USE OF MACHINE LEARNING METHODS IN THE ANALYSIS OF INDICATORS OF INTERNET RESOURCES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(47), 65-69.