The article analyzes the level of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine, taking into account military actions on the territory of the state. The essence of the definition «investment attractiveness of the region of the state» is revealed and the key influencing factors on the formation of the level of investment attractiveness of the region are determined. The information reference on the rating of the regions of Ukraine by the level of their investment attractiveness has been analyzed and consolidated. The materials obtained in the process of scientific research have practical value both for state authorities and for private investors in the domestic investment market and the international arena. The main goal of the analysis and assessment of the level of investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine is the diversification of risks associated with capital investment on a long-term basis and the implementation and implementation of investment projects in the regions. In this regard, the main task of a potential foreign or domestic investor is to decide on the feasibility of implementing any investment project in a certain region. However, the problem of developing methods for determining the investment attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine remains relevant until now. The importance and priority of solving the specified problematic aspect determined the choice of the topic of scientific research. Assessing the investment attractiveness of administrative territories was and remains a difficult task for potential investors. On the one hand, due to the large number of existing approaches and methods of its determination, and on the other hand, due to the presence of flaws and shortcomings in each of the generally known methodological approaches. The main problems of the development of investment activities in Ukraine are outlined. Russia's full-scale military aggression against Ukraine continues to lead the list of factors that have a negative impact on the investment climate, attacks on the Ukrainian energy system are in second place, and corruption is in third place. Among the few positive changes, the business leaders highly rated granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU accession, the cancellation of customs duties and quotas for Ukrainian exports and «transport visa-free» from the EU.
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