Purpose. To discover the mechanism of multilevel management of the processes of national economy structuring and to determine the directions of its improvement in the context of ensuring the integrity of the economic system, strategic orientation and integration of the development of its components. Methodology of research. In the process of research, the following methods were used: the logical – in substantiating the need to introduce an integrated approach to the solution of the urgent structural problems based on the use of multilevel management mechanisms; the systematic analysis, systematization, generalization – to identify the basic approaches of managing the processes of the economy structuring at the different levels, under discovering the preconditions for the effective structuring of the national economy, which are formed through the mechanisms of the multilevel management, the essential characteristics of multilevel management of the economy structural modernization and the principles of its effective implementation; the systematic approach – in substantiating the hierarchy of tasks of multilevel management of national economy structural modernization as a coherent mechanism of the interrelated objectives and managerial influences of its elements; the abstract and logical – for the theoretical generalizations and formulation of the conclusions of the study. Findings. The necessity of introducing an integrated approach to solving the emerging structural problems of the national economy based on the use of multilevel management mechanisms in order to attract the capabilities of all elements of the economic system is substantiated. The preconditions for the effective structuring of the national economy are identified, the formation of which are able to be provided by the mechanism of multilevel management. The principles of the effective use of the multilevel management potential of the processes of structural improvement of the economy are highlighted. The approaches to the strengthening of the effectiveness of goal-oriented, coordinating, integrating influences of the national-level management institutions within the framework of developing a strategy for the structural modernization of the national economy are offered. The basic conditions for the targeted structuring of meso- and locallevel economic systems have been determined, which imply the need for the effective development and implementation of the sectoral, regional, local structural policies and their organic inclusion into the integral mechanism for improving the structure of the national economy. Originality. The scientific and methodological approaches to the formation of the mechanism of multilevel management of the processes of national economy structural modernization are substantiated, which unlike the existing one, is focused on the complex solution of the structural problems in the economic systems of macro -, meso - and local levels within the framework of the structural policy implementation, which is provided by the management institutions on the basis of the integration and interaction both vertically and horizontally. Practical value. The approaches offered in the research to form and implement the mechanism of multilevel management of the processes of national economy structuring can be used by the authorities of different levels in solving the structural problems in the economy of sectors, regions, territorial communities in the context of ensuring the integrity of the economic system, strategic orientation and integrated development of its components.
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