Purpose. The aim of the article is to identify and analyse the factors of ensuring the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness in international economic integration conditions. Methodology of research. The following methods were used for this study: analysis and synthesis, through which the factors of competitiveness were systematized; comparison and generalization; economic and statistical – for the diagnostics of trends in the Ukraine’s agriculture development. Findings. According to the determined economic indicators, the dynamics of the Ukraine’s agriculture development for the period of 2012-2017 were analysed. According to the results of the analysis, it is concluded that despite the high indicators of agricultural activity in Ukraine over the last five years, there is a tendency towards their deterioration, which in their turn negatively affects the competitiveness of the industry. The factors influencing the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness were systematized and characterized. The most significant factors preventing the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness are the lack of development resources and their ineffective use. Originality. The factors ensuring the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness with the allocation of groups (incentives – factors that enhance the competitiveness, disincentives – factors that reduce the competitiveness, factors of exogenous and endogenous influence) were systematized. This will allow to formulate measures of the agrarian policy of increasing the agriculture competitiveness. Practical value. Identification of incentivizing and disincentivizing factors, assessment of their influence degree on the level of Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness, will allow to develop an effective long-term state policy on the development and support of the agrarian sphere, the ensuring the agriculture competitiveness based on a study of its advantages and weaknesses, policy, that will focus on harmonizing the interests of the state, enterprises and the public; with the formation of an innovative and at the same time socially-oriented model of development.
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