• Olena Lazarieva Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Keywords: rural area, sustainable development, land-tenure, efficiency, intensification, natural-resources potential


Purpose. The goal of the research is to work-out the recommendations concerning the implementation of the indicators system, which should be applied for the economic assessment of the rural areas sustainable development, and for the grounding of measures to improve the rural areas efficiency. Methodology of research. The research methodological basis is the latest scientific achievements concerning the sphere of the rural areas sustainable development. The following methods were used to achieve this goal: morphological analysis (in the processing of scientific publications regarding the rural areas sustainable development); economic-statistical and comparative analysis (in cases of the economic assessment of the rural areas sustainable development); analogy and generalization methods (in cases of grounding of the indicators system, which should be applied for the economic assessment of the rural areas sustainable development and for the improvement of the rural areas development effectiveness as well). Findings. On the basis of the proposed indicators, the author took the economic assessment of the rural areas sustainable development that illustrated the not effective realization of the existing ecological and economic potential. The study period is 2014-2017th. On the basis of the obtained results it was concluded that the possibilities of the natural-resources potential using for sustainable development are taken into account not enough. There were represented the indicators that should be used for the economic assessment of rural areas sustainable development and taken into account in the framing of the rural areas development plans. Such the indicators include: the general endowment of agricultural lands, the crop and livestock production per 100 hectares of agricultural lands, the ploughings of agricultural lands, the proportion of intensive crops in the crops structure, the level of profitability, the dynamics of revenue and profits from sales, costs per unit land area, analysis of the existing material and technicalresources for the rural areas development and the ways to its renewal. The application of these indicators will reveal the causation and incidence of the land-resource potential using, for intensification of the rural areas internal potential for its economic growing. There were proposed the main ways of improving the rural areas efficiency, such as: a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the current state of rural areas use; agricultural production true to the sustainable development principles; prognoses of the state of land-resource potential using; stopping degradation processes; introducing investment and innovation processes within the framework of diversification of the rural areas economic development. Originality. There were grounded the indicators system, which should be applied for the economic assessment of the rural areas sustainable development, and ways to improve of the rural areas development effectiveness as well. Practical value. The obtained conclusions and recommendations, theoretical and methodological approaches based on the research results can be used by land surveying and land valuation organizations, executive authorities and local self-government bodies and other persons or companies to assess the rural areas sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Lazarieva, O. (2019). THE ASSESSMENT OF THE RURAL AREAS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (42), 178-185. Retrieved from