• Yurii Dziadykevych Ternopil National Economic University
  • Iryna Liubezna Ternopil National Economic University;
  • Ruslan Rozum Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: land management, production, trends, land use, economy, realization, activity, natural resources, resource saving technologies


Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of factors influencing land management in Ukraine. Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. The general scientific and special methods of research are used, namely: abstract and logical method, deductive and generalization. The abstract and logical method is used to outline the main factors that influence the development of land management in Ukraine. The deductive method analyzes the directions that contribute to increasing the efficiency of agricultural production and the restoration of the environment. On the basis of generalization of scientific sources devoted to the problem of using land resources, factors influencing the process of introduction into agriculture of innovative resource-saving technologies that stop land degradation, reproduce soil fertility, provide land protection and improve the environmental condition of the environment are identified. Findings. It has been established that land use involves balancing economic, ecological and social factors taking into account the properties of land resources, in particular sustainable development of land management ensures environmental protection, restoration of the biosphere, reduction of the load on nature and harmonious development of man and nature. It has been shown that land use in Ukraine is carried out in violation of the structure of land, which results in depletion of soils, erosion processes and deterioration of the qualitative state of agricultural lands. Innovative resource-saving technologies for soil cultivation, which contribute to increasing the efficiency of production and the restoration of the environment, are used to avoid the negative phenomena of the agrarian sector. The use of innovative resource-saving technology, which includes: precision agriculture, organic farming, zero and minimum technology, is also effective. Precision farming technology provides obtaining from the land lot of the most quantity of cheap and high-quality products without violating the norms of environmental safety. It is determined that minimal and zero technologies do not foresee the use of mechanical soil cultivation. It has been established that the minimum human intervention in natural soil structures contributes to biological processes in the upper layers of the soil, protects it from degradation processes and increases the soil fertility. It is substantiated that for successful land use it is necessary to economically encourage land owners and land users to independently carry out activities that involve rational use and protection of land. The use of economic instruments for land regulation will promote financial responsibility of land users, self-sufficiency of regions and bring national farmers closer to balanced and high-productivity agricultural production. Originality. The study of theoretical and practical aspects has shown that they affect balanced and highly productive agricultural production. Practical value. The obtained results of the study allowed outlining the main directions of improvement of land use, which can be used by business entities.


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How to Cite
Dziadykevych, Y., Liubezna, I., & Rozum, R. (2019). DIRECTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF LAND MANAGEMENT AND LAND USE IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (42), 172-178. Retrieved from