• Uliana Nechytailo Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research of NAS of Ukraine
  • Kateryna Mashiko Transcarpathian Regional Centre for Socio-Economic and Humanities Research of NAS of Ukraine
Keywords: mountain territories, local budget, tax revenues, united territorial community, official transfers, financial instrument


Purpose. The aim of the article is the identification of the role and place of local budgets in supporting and developing the economy of mountain communities. Methodology of research. The following research methods are used in preparing the article: statistical (for calculation of the structure of local budgets of mountain territories); grouping (in the formation of indicators for budget implementation for prospective united territorial communities); comparison (when identifying specific features of forming budgets of mountain communities); induction and deduction (in substantiating non-budget instruments for support and development of mountain communities). Findings. The list of potential prospective united territorial communities of the Transcarpathian region regarding the membership of mountain territories is determined. The typical structure of local budgets of perspective potential territorial communities is established on the basis of the reporting data of the Department of Finance of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration, in other equal conditions. The urgent need to expand the approaches to identifying significant financial resources of mountain communities is substantiated. In particular, despite the importance of subsidizing and paying compensation, the emphasis should shift to improving all the investment climate of the territories. At the same time, the necessity to pay attention to the support of social blocks of functioning of communities at the appropriate level is determined, even in the face of budget deficits. Originality. The approach to understanding the role of local budgets in providing development of mountain settlements is substantiated, which, in contrast to the existing, emphasizes the non-availability of these resources in comparison with non-state financial resources, and general tools for improving the investment climate of the territories. Practical value. The results of the study can be applied by public authorities and local governments in substantiating approaches, developing programs and measures for the support or development of depressed, mountainous territories. In addition, the obtained findings can serve as a basis for adjusting the long-term plan for the formation of united territorial communities.


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How to Cite
Nechytailo, U., & Mashiko, K. (2019). LOCAL BUDGETS AS A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN COMMUNITIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (42), 147-157. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/67