• Yu.V. Lelіuk National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts
Keywords: grade, motivation, mechanism, worker of culture, grading methods, rating system assessment, evaluation criteria, cultural institution, rural areas


Purpose is to develop the concept of effective motivation mechanism artists countryside based on grading evaluation system. Methodology of research. The purpose achievement is accomplished by using general scientific and special research methods. The methodical basis of the given research is scientific researches of native and foreign authors who dedicated their works to the development of evaluation and motivation of employees. The following methods were used in the study: analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction (for the theoretical synthesis and substantiation of the research relevance), calculation and analytical method (for the value factor of each evaluated category), econometric modeling method (for predicting the scale of grade transfering for financial bonuses for the employees of cultural institutions in rural areas), visual or graphical methods (pictures and tables providing synthesized picture of the object studied) abstract-logical method (for theoretical generalizations and forming conclusions of the research), other special methods and techniques that helped accomplish a comprehensive analysis and solve the scientific- applied problems set. Findings. The article suggests a methodology for evaluating the personal contribution to the activities and development of cultural institutions in rural areas (grading evaluation system), which as a result is to assess the evaluation of the employee work performance and simultaneously the development of their potential. The grading evaluation system criterions have been determined. The evaluation criteria range for each measurement is established. The study has analyzed evaluation criterions for "Discipline and work efficiency" of employees in local social clubs and libraries, “Organizational skills and creative activity”, " Individual qualities of the employee”, "Professional knowledge level” based on Unified wages scale, and has proposed additional evaluation criteria for this category. The evaluation grading of each criterion is presented in points. The research presents characteristics of estimated value coefficient for each category and determines that the highest rate of value coefficient is the "discipline and work efficiency" criterion with the figure of 39%. The grades transfer scale of material bonus charging for employees of cultural institutions in rural areas is proposed. Originality. The mechanism of motivational system development of cultural institutions in rural areas. Practical value. Practical application of this method allows to implement a systematic approach to assessing, formulating new requirements for employees of cultural institutions in rural areas. The proposed system has been successfully implemented scores by computer technology.


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How to Cite
LelіukY. (2015). THE MOTIVATION MECHANISM OF CREATIVE EMPLOYEES IN RURAL AREAS BASED ON GRADING EVALUATION. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(29), 136-144. Retrieved from