• Pavlo Fisunenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Ivan Legostaev Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: project management, stakeholders, standards, involvement of stakeholders, social responsibility


The article is devoted to the review of standards in the field of involvement of interested parties and the identification of the possibility of their application during the management of development projects. The development project was studied as a complex process that includes not only investment, but also the stages of idea formation, object design, finding a land plot, obtaining the rights to use it and the necessary permits, finding construction contractors, directly selling or leasing object. The complexity of the development project as an object of management and the turbulence of its environment make it necessary to take into account the interests of interested parties during its implementation. It has been established that the implementation of the development project will be more successful, the better the interests of interested parties are taken into account during management. Achieving a balance of stakeholders should be a major focus of project management. The provisions of international standards regarding interaction with interested parties with various spheres of their application have been studied. It has been established that the involvement of interested parties to one extent or another is considered by various standards regulating activities at the enterprise level, in the field of project management, as well as a directly specialized standard dedicated to the involvement of interested parties. ISO 26000:2010, P2M, PMBOK, PRINCE2, Account Ability standards were considered. The principles of management dictated by these standards, the purpose of managing the involvement of interested parties, and the main stages of this process have been studied. This is a recommendation regarding the application of the provisions of these standards in the field of development project management. In the process of engaging interested parties, it is worth paying great attention to their identification, studying their needs and interests, developing a cooperation plan, its implementation and monitoring. The success of the process of involving interested parties, establishing a balance of their interests is the key to the success of the development project as a whole.


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How to Cite
Fisunenko, P., & Legostaev, I. (2023). STAKEHOLDER IN THE AREA OF INVOLVEMENT STANDARDS IN DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(46), 129-134.