The article is devoted to the current problems and prospects of ensuring the innovative development of tourism in Ukraine in the conditions of two processes: the russian-Ukrainian war and the European integration of Ukraine. Current issues discussed in the article: peculiarities of the post-war recovery of Ukraine, the introduction of innovative technologies in the post-war recovery of the tourism industry. The need for the introduction of innovative technologies in tourism, the development of technological processes, innovative projects, the reconstruction of destroyed infrastructure taking into account modern digital trends, the introduction of pilot innovative projects for the development of tourism, which can be implemented during the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, was noted. It is also noted that ensuring the safety of tourists is not only physical security, but also cyber security, since the implementation of innovative digital systems and technologies can lead to cyber fraud. That is why the development of cyber security and the IT sphere will contribute to the development of tourism in post-war Ukraine. According to the results of the research, it was found that the state of tourism today is unevenly distributed among the regions of Ukraine: the west of the country has recovered from the shock of the war, it is safer, therefore tourism is developing there and brings taxes to the budget of Ukraine; the east and south of Ukraine, where active hostilities continue, the aggressor country is destroying the infrastructure, including the tourist infrastructure - the level of tourism is still decreasing, which is quite logical. Despite the difficult situation in the country, tourism is functioning and developing in the west of the country, taking into account modern realities and trends. To restore tourism in the post-war period, after the Victory and the return of all occupied and annexed territories of Ukraine, it is necessary to include tourism in the post-war reconstruction program. In order to attract investments in the industry, it is necessary to conduct negotiations with world tourism organizations for attempts to integrate Ukraine into global networks. It is necessary (if demand monitoring reveals a positive trend) to prepare tourist programs for foreign and domestic tourists, in places, cities, areas of active hostilities, cities of the main battles of the Defense Forces of Ukraine, cities that have become hero cities, or ghost cities. In order to restore tourism, we also consider it necessary to open Ukrainian offices in various countries, with the aim of familiarizing and showing interest in the tourist features of Ukraine. Under the condition of implementation and implementation of innovative recovery of Ukraine, tourists will be interested to see the country, which has cities mutilated by war and the most modern technologies.
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