To characterize the methodological approaches to the formation of the descriptive part of the grant application. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the provisions of modern project management, tender documentation of grant givers, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of forming project proposals for participation in grant tenders. To solve the tasks, general scientific and special methods were used: dialectical and abstract-logical (theoretical generalization and formation of conclusions); induction and deduction (when collecting, systematizing, processing information, understanding problems); system analysis and synthesis (when determining the importance and role of preparing high-quality project proposals for obtaining grant funding); comparative analysis (when comparing different approaches to the formation of project issues, project goals and objectives, target audience, results and consequences of project activities, monitoring and evaluation, development of a sustainability system of project activities); sociometric (questionnaire survey and sample survey of potential grantees). It has been established that the quality of the development of the grant application is of great importance for receiving non-refundable grant aid from donors. It has been proven that in order to correctly present the material in the descriptive part, it is necessary to use the project approach, take into account the requirements of the grantors and preserve the vertical logic of the project. The theoretical approaches to the application of project management in the formation of the application package of documents for participation in grant competitions of international, national, regional funds and programs received further development. It was determined that receiving funding depends on the quality of the development of the descriptive part of the grant application. In order to form high-quality competitive grant proposals that will have a high chance of grant funding, a project approach should be used when preparing the descriptive part of the application. In this aspect, the use of the "Problem Tree" method for qualitative argumentation of the project's issues, the SMART method - in the formation of the project's goals and objectives, as well as the distribution of the target audience into direct, indirect and beneficiaries, and results into - direct, medium-term and long-term, acquires special significance.
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