Keywords: social quality, factors, labor market, goals, productive employment


The article is devoted to researching the content of social quality policy and justifying the expediency of its adaptation to the conditions of the post-war restoration of the domestic labor market. The content components of the concept of "social quality", which is a complex characteristic of meeting the material and spiritual needs of people and society as a whole, the conditions of life and the achievement of goals, free development and opportunities, are revealed. The factors of the formation of social quality are analyzed, where an important role belongs to the labor sphere, which largely depends on the pace and quality of economic and social development. Attention is focused on the importance of stability and efficiency of the economic system, implementation of the principle of social justice in the formation of social and economic policy, favorable conditions of life in the system of ensuring social quality. Accumulated problems in the labor sphere are characterized, which manifested themselves in the Ukrainian labor market during peacetime and intensified in connection with economic shocks that led to destructive changes and increased tensions in the labor market during the war. Deterioration of working conditions has become a serious challenge to the development and implementation of labor potential, self-realization of working people and, in general, has been a destructive factor in social progress and well-being of the working population and their family members. On the basis of the analysis of these problems, the directions of improving the labor market in the period of post-war socio-economic recovery of Ukraine using modern approaches of the social quality policy are substantiated, and a tree of policy goals regarding the regulation of the labor sphere is constructed. The general goal is to ensure productive employment, which means the employment of the population, which, thanks to highly productive work, creates the resources necessary for the development of society and gives each worker an income capable of ensuring the reproduction of his physical, intellectual and professional qualities. The goals of the lower levels are formed taking into account the interests of the labor market subjects and the focus on obtaining positive effects at the macro-, micro- and nano-levels.


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How to Cite
Blyzniuk, V., & Yatsenko, L. (2023). THE LABOR MARKET IN TERMS OF SOCIAL QUALITY. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(46), 21-30.