Keywords: logistics, warehouse logistics, management system, logistics system, process approach, digitalization, outsourcing


The article defines the role of logistics activities of companies in modern conditions, provides a description of warehouse logistics, its main components, and formulates proposals for improving the efficiency of warehouse logistics in accordance with modern business requirements. Warehouse logistics is the organization, planning and management of warehouses, its tasks and functions are fast and timely movement and delivery of goods to their destination. This requires a modern and reliable infrastructure in the form of an appropriately equipped warehouse complex. The main principle when creating a storage system is an individual solution that takes into account all factors and ensures the economic efficiency of the warehouse. The goal of warehouse logistics is the development of a storage system that allows optimal distribution of goods in the warehouse and rational management of these goods. The warehouse complex plays an important role in the work of a modern logistics company. The efficiency of work and the developed infrastructure of the warehouse complex directly affect the uninterrupted operation of the enterprise and its competitiveness in the market. The main problems in the warehouse real estate market in Ukraine are highlighted. It is noted that in the conditions of globalization of logistics processes, digitalization and outsourcing are becoming more and more relevant, and the implementation of warehouse logistics in companies expands the market segment and wins new customers. In modern conditions, digitalization of warehouse logistics occurs due to: independent creation, acquisition and management of ALS software; outsourcing – using an external logistics company (3PL) to perform all logistics operations for you. With a 3PL, you can shorten the implementation phase without having to train your employees on new processes, equipment, and software. It has been proven that warehouse logistics in modern conditions is achieved by independently creating, purchasing and managing LMS software, or by outsourcing and involving an external logistics company (3PL). Outsourcing takes over all logistics processes for you. Using a 3PL has been shown to speed up the implementation phase without requiring personnel to be trained in new processes, equipment and software.


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How to Cite
Bahorka, M., & Yakubenko, Y. (2023). DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(46), 9-14.