Purpose. The aim of the article is the analysis of the influence of the useful life of economic objects on the generation of their own investment resources (in particular, amortization) of financial support for innovative development of enterprises. Methodology of research. The following research methods are used to achieve a certain goal: theoretical generalization and comparison (as the basis for studying the influence of the useful life of economic objects on the generation of own investment resources (in particular, amortization) of financial support for innovative development of enterprises); induction and deduction, grouping and generalization, logical method (as the basis for the correlation of amortization policy and the useful life of objects of non-current assets of the enterprise); monographic (when presenting the results of the study). Findings. The influence of the useful life of objects of economic activity on the generation of own investment resources of financial support of innovative development of enterprises was established, which allowed to develop an algorithm for determining and changing the useful life of objects of non-current assets, modified and upgraded as a result of innovative development of the enterprise. Originality. An algorithm for determining and changing the useful life of non-current assets objects, modified and upgraded as a result of innovative development of the enterprise, application of which in practice will facilitate the creation of conditions for more complete realization of the reproduction function of depreciation and ensuring its efficiency, is developed. Practical value. The main provisions of this study can be used by business entities when determining or changing the useful life of objects of non-current assets, modified and upgraded as a result of innovative development of the enterprise.
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