• Nataliia Sarai Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: competitive potential, competitiveness of products, enterprise competitiveness, methods of evaluation, system of indicators, indicators


Purpose. The aim of the article is development of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for the definition of the category of "competitive potential of the enterprise", substantiation of the basic methods of estimation of the competitive potential and determination of the sequence of conducting an assessment of the competitive potential of the enterprise. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the principles of modern economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the study of the category of "competitive potential of the enterprise". To achieve this purpose we used general scientific methods of research such as systemstructural and terminological analysis – for studying conceptual-terminology apparatus of the category of "competitive potential of the enterprise"; grouping, comparison and theoretical generalization – for the classification of methods for assessing the competitive potential of the enterprise and the sequence of its implementation; induction and deduction – to determine the system of indicators of the competitive potential of the enterprise; abstract and logical – for theoretical generalization and formulation conclusions. Findings. The economic essence of the category "Competitive potential of the enterprise" is substantiated. The classification of methods for assessing the competitive potential of the enterprise is determined. The sequence of evaluation of the competitive potential of the enterprise is offered. The list of indicators (criteria) that can be considered as key indicators of competitiveness is defined and covers the most important aspects of determining the level and efficiency of using the potential of the enterprise. Originality. Theoretical and methodological researches on the definition category «competitive potential of the enterprise» are generalized, the classification of methods for assessing of competitive potential of the enterprise is proposed. The list of indicators to determine the effectiveness of using the competitive potential of the enterprise is formed. Practical value. The recommendations, which determine the conditions for ensuring the effective use of the competitive potential of the enterprise, are proposed, in particular: complex interaction of all elements of the competitive potential (production potential, financial potential, innovation potential, information potential, human potential, etc.); use of the basic methods of assessing the competitive potential and determining the sequence of its conduct at domestic enterprises; use of the system of indicators of the competitive potential of the enterprise.


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How to Cite
Sarai, N. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL BASES OF ESTIMATION OF THE COMPETITIVE POTENTIAL OF ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1 (42), 97-103. Retrieved from