• T.V. Oliinyk Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S. Kuznets
Keywords: financial resources, strategic management, production enterprise, financial strategies, financial mechanism, financial stability


Purpose is the development of theoretical and practical aspects of strategic financial management of manufacturing enterprises, the definition of conditions and factors that are taken into account in the process of developing and implementing, developing ways to improve it. Methodology of research. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the position of modern economic theory, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists and economists on issues of strategic management of the company. To achieve this goal and meet the challenges of the article used methods and techniques of scientific thinking, analysis and synthesis – to form definitions and generalization of theoretical approaches to strategic management of financial resources, inductive and deductive – for definition of conditions and factors that are taken into account in the process of development and implementation, empirical research methods such as observation, comparison, formalization – to develop ways to optimize the strategic management of financial resources. Findings. In the article the strategic management of financial resources as one of the most important functional strategy that ensures efficient use of financial resources, taking into account the financial globalization of financial forecasts and alternative media. Originality. The article summarizes the main ways of increasing its financial resources generated ways of raising financial stability and principles of financial resources, unlike existing contribute to more effective structure optimization of financial resources for industrial enterprises. Practical value. Results of the study may be proposed analytical support for the development and implementation of strategic financial management in manufacturing plants with the aim of optimizing the structure of financial resources.


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How to Cite
Oliinyk, T. (2015). STRATEGIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT IN MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (3(28), 104-109. Retrieved from