• K.M. Ohdanskyi Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Institute of Public Administration National Academy of Public of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Keywords: public dynamics, concept, information support, base of evaluation, realities, prospects


Purpose – to determine the concept-categorical apparatus of public dynamics and to give the scientific substantiation of the methodology of "evaluation" of public progress in general and its components, in particular such as the mechanism of management of socio-ecological-economic changes. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is a conceptual theory of the dynamics of complex systems and theory of the state regulation of the socio-ecological-economic processes. Authenticity and substantiation of the obtained results are provided by using methods of statistical analysis of phenomena and processes, as well as the methods of mathematical statistics, expert evaluations and simulation modeling. Thus, the allocation of the factors influencing the social dynamic components is carried out using expert assessments and statistical methods for their treatment. To define a comprehensive and integral index exploit the potential ically mathematical modeling with the aggregation of local characteristics in generalizing. Findings. The new paradigm of the monitoring and evaluation of social dynamics, which directs and takes into account the non-equilibrium and unbalanced processes of growth and development. In addition, scientific principles of modeling and a model of the integrated indicator of social dynamics, which synthesizes different by quality and quantity social, ecological and economic factors and provides a corridor of effective managerial influence, are developed. Originality. The scientific theoretical and methodological substantiation of the basic principles concerning the information analytical support of the system of evaluation of management decisions on the stage of their formation and management results on the stage of evaluation and elaboration of scientific bases as to achievements in the managerial practice of the positive social dynamics are the results of the investigation. Practical value is that represented developments form the basis for theoretical-methodological substantiation of the processes of formation and evaluation of programs of social progress, as well as for the implementation of the organizational economic mechanism of management of social dynamics to the public progress. Moreover, the practical value of the research is to formulate the conceptually new and methodological framework to improve the management system of socio-ecological-economic changes and provide more meaningful attitude to them by carrying out continuous monitoring in the country in general and its regions in particular.


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How to Cite
Ohdanskyi, K. (2015). PUBLIC DYNAMICS: THEORY, REAL STATE, PROSPECTS FOR MANAGED CHANGES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(27), 273-283. Retrieved from