• A.G. Lishchenko Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
  • G.M. Kukoba Zaporizhzhya National Technical University
Keywords: institution, special Fund receipts, income analysis, monitoring


Purpose is to develop practical recommendations for improving the accounting and analytical support for the analysis of special Fund revenues of budgetary institutions. The methodology of research. In the study applied scientific research (collection, description and analysis of the facts; the scientific justification of the recommendations); to identify common and distinctive features in scientific approaches to the analysis of special Fund revenues of budgetary institutions comparative, analytical, mathematical, selective; when considering the dynamic and predictable system of accounting – the dialectical method; when forming conclusions induction, deduction and synthesis. Results. Developed practical recommendations for the implementation of accounting and analytical enhancements to support analysis of special Fund revenues of budgetary institutions. Scientific novelty consists in the development of practical recommendations for implementation of monitoring revenues in the special Fund budget institutions in terms of structural divisions and the services they provide that will help to ensure the achievement of targeted revenues. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the implementation of the proposed internal reporting form "Report on receipt of funds of the special Fund in the context of structural units of budgetary institutions for the analysis of the formation of a special Fund budgetary institutions that will allow you to properly monitor the revenues in a special Fund and thereby will help in assessing the level of efficiency of activity of budgetary establishment, ensure planned revenues, accelerating the processing and presentation of economic information for management decision making. The results brought to the level of specific developments and embedded in the activity.


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How to Cite
Lishchenko, A., & Kukoba, G. (2015). IMPROVEMENT OF THE ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT FOR THE ANALYSIS OF SPECIAL FUND REVENUES OF BUDGETARY INSTITUTIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(27), 227-232. Retrieved from