Purpose. The purpose of the article is to use the mechanism of public-private partnership as an instrument for implementing the cluster approach of the investment interests of the state. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the domestic and international normative-legal base, scientific works of domestic scientists concerning the structuring of the category "cluster". To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: general scientific and special research methods: analysis and synthesis - in studying the current state and experience of clusterization in Ukraine; abstract-logical – when drawing conclusions. Findings. The article highlights the features of the application cluster approach to implement investment PPP projects. The authors consider theoretical aspects of the possible development of cluster approach in Ukraine, as well as the role of public-private partnerships in the implementation of this task. Originality. The main factors of the attractiveness of the cluster, which include its components and main factors of attractiveness for participation in the cluster are presented. The transformational decision-making process on the organization and financing of an innovative project based on the mechanism of public-private partnership, which provides economic growth of region with the method of clusterization is substantiated. Practical value. The main provisions of this study can be used in the development of regional clusters, the interaction of authorities, enterprises and industry scientific institutions in the process of cluster formation.
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