• N.О. Shyshpanova Mykolayiv National Agrarian University


Purpose – identify the main theory about the nature of savings. On this basis, to isolate the main factors influencing the ratio of consumption-savings in the structure of household costs. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis for this research is scientific works our and foreign scientists regarding this question. General scientific methods were used in the process of research: structural and logical, generalization, dialectical (reasoning of the saving nature and savings motives), system (substantiation of the need for research the impact of savings on the state's economy), comparative (determination of basic scientific approaches that describe the nature of savings) Findings. The main provisions of the theories about the nature of savings was considered. Shows the main reasons that motivate people to save, including basic is desire to increase own capital of population. Households in a market economy is the subject of the national economic system. Their savings can play an important role in economic development if transform them into investments. Promote this transformation has become a key task of the state in shaping investment strategy. Positive experience similar changes observed in Asian countries. There savings rate is very high. Originality. The nature of savings was improved. The essence is to use them as capital that is to increase revenue. This is a key point to consider savings as investment resources at the state level. Practical value. The analysis results provide a theoretical basis for the formation of effective investment policy at the macro level considering savings of population.


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How to Cite
Shyshpanova, N. (2015). HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS: ECONOMIC NATURE AND FACTORS OF IMPACTS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(27), 157-162. Retrieved from