• O.V. Chernetska Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University
Keywords: financial performance, management system, synergy, synergy effect.


Purpose. The article aims to study the essence of synergy and its manifestation in the management of the financial performance of the agricultural enterprise. Methodology of research. The method of synthesis used to justify the need to use a synergistic approach in the management of the financial results of the company, the method of analysis used to highlight structural elements synergetic control system. Findings. Determined that a synergistic approach to management implies the existence of many ways to develop the system, but it is necessary to achieve the desired goal behavior of the system in a state of relative equilibrium. The necessity of finding such areas management in the enterprise, that would be compatible with the external factors and its own structure synergetic system of the enterprise. Consequently, the output, the system of own development mechanisms that require such an impact on the structural elements of the system that they developed in the right pace in the desired direction. Under these circumstances, the use of a synergistic approach, including the need for well-chosen tools and highly qualified personnel. Originality. The necessity of the use in the management of financial results synergetic approach, unlike existing search includes the following areas of management in the company, that would be compatible with the external factors and its own structure synergetic system of the company that will make the system effective control and get things done with less costs and thus get more profit margins. Practical value. Results of the study can be implemented in enterprises of agriculture, in particular to create an effective system of financial results based on synergistic relationships. This will increase the amount of positive financial results and achieving the strategic objectives of the agricultural enterprise.


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How to Cite
Chernetska, O. (2015). SYNERGETIC APPROACH TO THE PROCESS OF FINANCIAL RESULTS IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(26), 51-55. Retrieved from