• D.S. Bohach State University "National Mining University"
Keywords: commercial bank, investment, profitability, diversification, stock market, sources of financing


Purpose. Аnalyze existing approaches to the design and selection of investment strategy and the ways to improve the methodical approach to the selection of the optimal structure of the investment assets of the commercial bank. Methodology of research. The primary methods were used to gather information and its systematization. Logical-analytical method revealed the shortcomings of the existing investment strategy for further fundraising to improve them. Findings. The article describes the most common strategies of investment management from the perspective of commercial banks in Ukraine. Identified deficiencies in the prioritization of management strategy that, to a large extent, causes inefficiency of the modern system of cash management. It was found that there are no universal methods of approaches to the evaluation of investment projects of the Ukrainian economy; there are no models of investment portfolios designed specifically to optimize the structure of the portfolio of different types of investors in Ukraine; not developed models which take into account the risks associated with investment activities on the territory of Ukraine. Originality. Definite inefficiency of classic models of management of securities due to model of investor’s behavior over the past 40 years has been significantly changed. Updated model of portfolio of commercial bank, which take into account the sources of funding in proposed. Practical value. Result of the analysis allow to generate better investment strategy than now exist in Ukraine, which could lead to an increase in the volume of fundraising and development of the stock market.


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How to Cite
Bohach, D. (2015). ANALYSIS AND CRITICISM OF MOST COMMON INVESTMENT STRATEGIES IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(26), 27-36. Retrieved from