• Mykhailo Vorotyntsev Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National Economical University
Keywords: financial company, the level of interdependence, financial monitoring, the market for financial services


Purpose is an assessment of cross-dependences level of the financial companies on the financial services market based on author’s technique, which takes into account the distribution of financial institutions on the principle of Pareto. Methodology of research. Sequence of this study of assessment of cross-dependences level of the financial companies on the financial services market was been decomposed in the step-be-step kind. The following methods: analytical and monographic – in studying of literature sources; system-analytical – in studying of legislative and other normative-legal acts on account of the interdependence of financial companies in the financial services market; abstract- logical – in summarizing of the theoretical positions, conclusions forming and methodological recommendations were been used in this paper to achieve the assigned purpose. Findings. Assessment of cross-dependences level of the financial companies on the financial services market based on author’s technique was been performed. Proposed above author’s technique allows reformatting the financial monitoring mechanisms for showing up of the hidden corruption schemas for money laundering. Came across amount of the financial enterprises, which are unbound inter se, is significantly exceed an amount of financial enterprises. Indicated above dependence of the financial institutions was proposed as an element of the financial monitoring. Originality. Firstly obtained research results has mathematically proved an influence of one company to another company that in different from well-known techniques, is providing a possibility of outdistancing the financial institutions during trading and allows determining with some probability hidden owners of financial companies’ agglomerations of the financial companies. Practical value consists in that the proposed technique allows reforming the financial monitoring mechanisms for showing up of the hidden corruption schemas for money laundering, eliminating a set of the unbound financial companies that will promote to prevent a monopolization of financial services market and to elevate a competitiveness level of the National financial services committee.


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How to Cite
Vorotyntsev, M. (2016). ASSESSMENT OF CROSS-DEPENDENCES LEVEL OF THE FINANCIAL COMPANIES ON THE FINANCIAL SERVICES MARKET. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(30), 264-275. Retrieved from