Purpose. The aim of the article is the investigation of the causes of liquidity risk of banks and the application of an integrated assessment of liquidity risk in the present. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of the research is the scientific work of domestic scientists on the problem under study. The following methods are used when writing the article: analysis and synthesis – in the study and synthesis of domestic and foreign experience assessing the causes of the risk of liquidity of the banking institution; calculation and analytical, economic and mathematical, comparison – in the analysis and assessment of the liquidity risk of banking institutions; abstract and logical – in substantiating theoretical generalizations and conclusions. Findings. The need to improve existing approaches to the causes of liquidity risk is considered. Two components of the risk of unbalanced liquidity are identified: quantitative and pricing, which provides an opportunity to predict situations of discrepancy between demand and supply of liquid assets, to describe the links between their elements. The significance of this approach is due to its main task – the analysis of situations from the position of the possibility of achieving the goal. It is suggested to use a vector of estimates calculated for a nonlinear dynamic index based on the normative and actual matrices of the ratio of the liquidity simulation method using a dynamic indicator to assess the liquidity risk of a commercial bank. Originality. Two components of the risk of unbalanced liquidity are identified on the basis of a theoretical study of existing approaches to the causes of liquidity risk: quantitative and pricing, which provides an opportunity to predict situations of discrepancy between demand and supply of liquid assets, to describe the relationships between their elements. Practical value. The obtained results of the research can be used by commercial banks in liquidity modelling with the help of a dynamic liquidity indicator, which is an integral indicator that will allow comprehensively assessing the situation with liquidity in the bank, will determining the overall increase in the efficiency of its operation and optimizing its funds.
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