• Liubov Shevchuk Lviv University of Business and Law
  • Larysa Fedoryshyna Research Center of Customs Affair of Research Institute Fiscal Policy of USFSU
Keywords: emergency medical aid, disaster medicine, emergency care reform, medicine, treatment


Purpose. The aim of the article is the substantiation of social and economic tasks of emergency medical care development in Ukraine to improve medical care of the population and improve the quality of life of the Ukrainian people. Methodology of research. The theoretical basis of the study is the normative legal acts and scientific works of domestic scientists on the development of emergency medical care in Ukraine, and the information basis is the statistics of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The following methods of scientific research are used in order to achieve this goal: analytical, monographic – in the development of literary, statistical and Internet sources regarding the problem issues of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine; graphical and tabular – for the visual display of the processed statistics; abstract and logical – for the generalization of the above material and the formulation of conclusions. Findings. The analysis of the indicators of the functioning of the emergency medical care system is carried out. A number of normative acts, program documents concerning the development of emergency medical care are considered and it is revealed that there are differences in the same issues, which are covered in various legal acts, inaccuracy in the interpretation of individual terms and concepts, etc. The Concept of Emergency Medical Care Development is analyzed and it is established that the main focus will be organizational and structural changes in the system of emergency medicine, as well as the priority social and economic problems related to organizational and structural changes in emergency medical care, and those that are aimed at the full functioning of this system. The basic social and economic tasks that that the development of emergency medical care at the state level are formed. Originality. The further development of the substantiation of the main social and economic tasks of the emergency medical care system in Ukraine has been further developed, which will make it possible to adjust the areas of reform. Practical value. The results of the study can be taken into account by the authorities in reforming the system of emergency medical care and adjusting the strategy for its development.


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How to Cite
Shevchuk, L., & Fedoryshyna, L. (2019). SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2 (43), 100-108. Retrieved from