Purpose. The aim of the article is the providing practical recommendations for the formation of proper information provision for making managerial decisions regarding the development of an effective system of material incentives for pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical personnel of institutions of higher education of the 1st and 2nd level of accreditation for professional development and quality assurance of educational services. Methodology of research. The following methods of scientific research are used to achieve this goal: logical, induction and deduction, grouping and generalization (in the proof of the relationship density of the four blocks of information provision, the adoption of managerial decisions on the development of an effective system of material stimulation of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical personnel of institutions of higher education of the 1st and 2nd level of accreditation for professional development and quality assurance of educational services); monographic (when presenting the results of the study). Findings. Practical recommendations for improvement of existing systems of material stimulation of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff of institutions of higher education of the 1st and 2nd level of accreditation are developed. The blocks of informational support for making managerial decisions regarding the development of a system of material stimulation of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical personnel of institutions of higher education of the 1st and 2nd level of accreditation for professional development and improvement of the quality of educational services are determined.Originality. The significance of informational support for making managerial decisions in the development of effective system of material stimulation of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher education institutions to professional development and ensuring the quality of educational services is substantiated. Practical value. The main results of the study can be used by colleges in developing a system of material incentives for pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff to professional development and quality assurance of educational services.
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