Purpose - to characterize tsunami, its species and assess implications for European countries. Methodology of research. To achieve this goal in writing the article uses the following methods: analytical and monographic - the study of the literature on the subject of the study; analysis and synthesis to identify the nature of social tsunami, its species and determination of causes and major consequences; abstract logical method - to summarize theoretical positions, forming conclusions. Theoretical and methodological basis for the study were the work of scientists engaged in specified issues, and Eurostat data. Findings. It describes the essence of social tsunami, its types and causes and possible consequences. It was established that the current migration tsunami formed as a result of escalating conflict in Libya military action in Syria and Iraq, etc., and the main problem of European growth of social tension in placements arrived population. Revealed that migrants are often treated brutally carriers; they not only significantly overpaid for transportation, but often suffer robbery; many of them die on the way to the desired destination country. Determined that the growing threat of a controlled social tsunami regional or global scale is that it essentially stands at present a new type of weapon, as immigration increases the pressure on the European labor market, the welfare system, fueling social tension that caused significant cultural distance of arrivals - is deliberately weakening the EU. Originality. Grounded the necessity realization of outlined depth research issues, develop and implement measures to stabilize and improve the socio-political and socio-economic situation in the world. Practical value is that the basic theoretical principles of this study can be used to improve the migration policy of our country
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