• Liudmyla Lychuk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: labor potential, employment, economically active population, agricultural enterprises, farmers, labor


Purpose – the aim of the article is the establishing of key issues, trends and proportions that define and characterize the quantitative aspect of labor potential of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of market transformations. Methodology of research. The systems analysis is the basis of the study of the labor potential development. Different methods of research are used to achieve the scientific objectives, including: general and scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, a combination of historical and logical approaches) – in the study of theoretical problems for labor potential reproduction; abstract and logical method – at generalization of theoretical principles of formation and use of labor potential; statistical and analytical methods, and graphical and tabular methods of analysis – in the study of the labor market, the development process of the labor potential. Findings. It was established that the formation process and implementation of rural labor potential should be considered from the perspective of dynamism that is in the process of constant change and development. It is revealed that due to the dynamic continuity of the process of formation and use of labor potential, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of which are constantly changing. Limiting factors of these farms and prospects of their further development in terms of efficient use of labor potential are considered. Originality. The concepts and components of economic category “labor potential of agricultural enterprises”, which makes it possible to identify regional features and relationships of formation and use of labor in terms of economic reforms in the country, are substantiated. The features and motivational factors in subsistence of peasant farms are revealed. Practical value. The obtained results of research on improving the formation and enhance the efficient utilization of the labor potential of agricultural enterprises deepen systemic approaches to study it and provide a framework to identify and solve the modern problems of effective development and use, developing a new strategy for social and economic development of the labor potential in Ternopil region.


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How to Cite
Lychuk, L. (2016). QUANTITATIVE PROVIDING THE LABOR POTENTIAL OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN TERNOPIL REGION IN THE CONDITIONS OF MARKET TRANSFORMATIONS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(33), 160-165. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/351