Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study organizational, information and personnel prerequisites for forming effective system of enterprise activity planning in modern conditions. Methodology of research. Scientific works of scholars on planning an enterprise activity are the theoretical and methodological bases of the research. The article uses general scientific methods of research such as comparison and theoretical generalization methods to study organizational, information and personnel prerequisites, a graphic method to illustrate the interaction of certain prerequisites and their significance for organizing the system of enterprise activity planning, abstract and logical methods to determine the interconnection between prerequisites for implementing the planning system. Findings. The article determines the necessity of implementing the system of enterprise activity planning for proper level of planning. It considers the fundamentals, peculiarities, significance of organizational, information, and personnel prerequisites for forming the planning system. The study establishes the existence of interconnection and interdependence between these prerequisites in the functioning of planning system. It describes the influence of organizational, information and personnel prerequisites on the results of the enterprise activity. Originality. The study substantiates the necessity of creating proper organizational, information and personnel prerequisites for implementing and ensuring effective functioning system of enterprise activity planning. Practical value. The results of the research aim to increase the efficiency of the planning system through the establishing appropriate organizational, information and personnel prerequisites and can be used for implementing the system of enterprise activity planning in the current economic conditions.
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