Purpose. The aim of the article is scientific substantiation of the possibility and expediency of application of the basic provisions of Kaizen philosophy on the way of increasing the effectiveness of the logistics management of Ukrainian enterprises in modern conditions of management. Methodology of research. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the main provisions of the philosophy of Kaizen, the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists and practitioners. General and special scientific methods of research are used in order to achieve this goal: dialectical, monographic (when working out scientific publications); system analysis (in the study of the essence of the basic provisions of the Kaizen philosophy); the method of analogies and comparisons (when disclosing the content of the basic principles of the Kaizen theory and their practical application in logistics management); complex analysis (in the formulation of conclusions and proposals for solving the tasks), etc. Findings. The main provisions of the Kaizen system are considered and the possibilities of its use in logistics management are analyzed. The emphasis is on the need to change the philosophy of thinking in the way of introducing modern methods of enterprise management, development of cooperation with customers and suppliers, team work as one of the key components in building a system of economical logistics. It is determined that the practical application of Kaizen philosophy in modern economic conditions is one of the effective methods of reducing costs and improving the efficiency of management. Originality. The expediency of the use of the Shuhart-Deming cycle in organizational improvement of the production system and the necessity of using the Kaizen theory as a basic methodology and technology of cost reduction within the concept of Lean Management (economical management) and Lean logistics (economical logistics) is substantiated. Practical value. The obtained results of the conducted research can be used at Ukrainian enterprises, which will allow breaking negative development tendencies and will promoting without significant capital expenditures adjust production and sales of products, reducing inefficient production and logistics costs. In addition, the application of the basic principles of the philosophy of “economical production”, “economical logistics” and 5S in management will allow to rebuild thinking of the personnel, will promote the introduction of modern methods of management at the enterprise.
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