• Roman Hevko Ternopil National Economic University
  • Yurii Dziadykevych Ternopil National Economic University
  • Nazar Malevych Ternopil National Economic University
Keywords: environment, natural resources, ecology, management mechanism, regulation, competitiveness, land resources, soil fertility


Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the ecological aspects that influence the process of production of agricultural products. Methodology of research. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. The following common scientific and special research methods are used in the article, namely: abstract and logical, deductive and generalization. Using the abstract and logical method, the main factors influencing the production of agricultural products are outlined. Using the deductive method, the principles of organic production of agricultural products are analyzed. The ecological aspects of the process of production of agricultural products are researched on the basis of the generalization of scientific sources devoted to the problem of studying the impact of environmental aspects on the provision of competitive agricultural products. Findings. It is established that competitive agricultural products can only be realized by enterprises that produce products that meet the international standards of the ISO 9000 series and other requirements. It is also established that product certification enables to realize not only raw material but also finished product. This is possible if the environmental management system is implemented into the general enterprise management system. It is determined that the absence of the ecological management system at the enterprises of the agrarian sector leads to a decrease in the volume of foreign trade of agricultural products with different countries. This is due to the increasing requirements for quality and certification of products in international trade, works and services, taking into account the impact of agricultural production on the state of the environment. It is substantiated that ecological agricultural production should cover the entire technological cycle: production, transportation, processing, storage and realization of consumer products. It is revealed that the compliance of products of agricultural sector enterprises with international ecological standards will positively influence the volumes of export of agricultural products in Ukraine. It is shown that organic agriculture does not use chemically synthesized fertilizers, pesticides and other chemical preparations. Its main objective is the production of environmentally friendly products, the maintenance of soil fertility, the use of renewable resources in agriculture and the reduction of environmental pollution. It has been determined that ecologically pure products consider such products, which were obtained using ecologically pure natural resources and production technologies and according to qualitative parameters, correspond to the current standards and accepted sanitary-and-hygienic standards. Its main objective is the production of environmentally pure products, the maintenance of soil fertility, the use of renewable resources in agriculture and the reduction of environmental pollution. It is determined that ecologically pure products consider such products, which are obtained using ecologically pure natural resources and production technologies and according to qualitative parameters, correspond to the current standards and accepted sanitary and hygienic standards. Originality. It is proved that the use of the economic mechanism of nature use and the provision of environmental protection activities, which involves the introduction of fees for the use of natural resources and pollution of the environment, is important in Ukraine. Practical value. It is necessary to encourage enterprises in Ukraine that use low-waste and environmentally friendly technologies. Pollution of environment should be unprofitable for agricultural enterprises.


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How to Cite
Hevko, R., Dziadykevych, Y., & Malevych, N. (2017). ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(35), 156-162. Retrieved from https://economdevelopment.in.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/288