Purpose. The aim of the article is the investigation of evolutionary aspects of Formation and Development of Customs Policy in Ukraine. Methodology of research. The theoretical and informational basis of the study is the works of leading scientists in the field of customs, as well as legal acts related to the formation of customs policy. The following methods are used in the process of research: dialectic and monographic (in the process of scientific publications); analysis and synthesis (when studying normative legal documents on the subject of research); tabular and graphic (with a visual representation of the results); abstract and logical and generalization (in the formulation of conclusions and proposals). Findings. The main evolutionary stages of the formation of the customs policy in Ukraine are considered. According to the results of the analysis of the concept of customs policy, functional of the structural divisions of the DFS, as well as international customs documents, the following customs policy functions are defined and described: security, management, forecasting, normative, regulatory and integrative. The principles of the formation and implementation of customs policy, namely: legality, professionalism, integrity and consistency, cooperation (interaction), leadership, transparency, honesty, predictability, social responsibility, responsibility, are grounded. The author's vision of the mechanism for the formation and implementation of customs policy is formed. Originality. The further development of the justification of the evolutionary principles of the formation and development of customs policy in Ukraine has been further developed, which has made it possible to formulate the basic principles and mechanism of its formation and implementation. Practical value. The results of the conducted research can serve as the basis for further scientific research concerning the evolution of customs policy in Ukraine and the choice of vectors of its transformation in the context of institutional changes.
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