Purpose. The іnvestigation of the process of forming the concept of assessing energy security using a large number of indicators of its state, which collectively gives an idea of the overall level of energy security. Methodology of research. In the process of research, general scientific and specific methods of cognition were used, namely, analysis and synthesis, historical method (in the study of the development of the concept of energy security assessment), a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena (in the study of scientific views of domestic and foreign scientists on energy security issues), generalizing (in substantiating the main strategic objectives of ensuring energy security). Findings. The necessity of study of influence of external and internal business environment of the enterprise by means of application of SWOT-analysis is confirmed. The significance of combining different approaches to constructing energy security indicators is proved for the purpose of identifying threats to energy supply of the enterprise. The main goals of creating a system of indicators of energy security are determined, which are based on the reflection of possible impacts on the object of energy security. Scientific views are systematized on the construction of a system of indicators for assessing energy security, which is based on the principles of hierarchy, complexity and the impact of threats. The criteria that are subject to quantitative assessment are identified and it is possible to determine the type of current level of energy security and its potential. The concept of the potential of energy security has been clarified, the expediency of using the method of indicative analysis for the full assessment of the energy security of the enterprise has been substantiated. Originality. Further development of the scientific techniques regarding the calculation of the integral index of energy security by combining four groups of indicators. Practical value. The obtained research results will promote the development of methodological bases for assessing the level of energy security, can be taken into account in the preparation and adoption of decisions of higher management in relation to socio-economic development, as well as in developing measures to exit the critical state of energy supply and environmental protection.
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