• Valentyn Biliavskyi National Aviation University
  • Mykola Sheputa National Aviation University
Keywords: innovative project, innovative activity, innovative policy, competitiveness, competitive advantages


Purpose. To analyze the main directions of implementing innovative projects in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. Methodology of research. In the process of the research, the following methods were used: theoretical synthesis and comparison, analysis and synthesis (for substantiation the essence of innovative design in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise; defining the main types of innovations in terms of innovation orientation of the enterprise); graphic (for visual display of research results); strategic forecasting (for determination strategic directions for increasing the investment attractiveness of the enterprise); logical (for theoretical generalizations and formation of the conclusions of the study). Findings. The theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative design in the context of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise were analyzed. The stages of realization of innovative projects as a factor of commercialization of the results of innovative developments, requiring detailed elaboration with the purpose of forming an effective competitive strategy were investigated. The main types of innovations in the part of the innovative orientation of the enterprise as a component of the strategic development of the enterprise were characterized. The assessment of the influence of the company’s internal potential on the formation of its innovation policy necessary to consolidate competitive positions in the market, as well as further development of the internal components of its life-cycle. Originality. The essence of the theoretical aspects of the implementation of innovation projects is substantiated, the implementation of which will increase the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of the enterprise in order to attract additional sources of financing to various spheres of the enterprise’s economic activities, as well as further development of the internal components of the enterprise’s livelihood in accordance with the ever growing market needs. Practical value. The obtained research results can be considered as ways of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, which in the future will be used to create objective prerequisites and a methodological basis for further research on a given problem.


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How to Cite
Biliavskyi, V., & Sheputa, M. (2018). IMPLEMENTATION OF INNOVATION PROJECTS AS A FACTOR OF INCREASE COMPETITIVENESS OF ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(38), 131-140. Retrieved from