• Oksana Lisnichuk Educational and scientific institute of finances and banking of University of the State Fiscal Service
  • Yuliia Boiaryn Educational and scientific institute of finances and banking of University of the State Fiscal Service
Keywords: crisis, financial crisis, crisis phenomena, experience, anti-crisis policy, priority measures of anti-crisis policy, state crisis management


Purpose. Study the experience of the leading countries of the European Union on practical measures for the implementation of state anti-crisis management. Methodology of research. Theoretical and methodological basis is the reports of the European Commission, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. The following research methods are used: dialectical method of cognition - in the study of state anti-crisis measures; theoretical synthesis and comparison - for the effective use of the experience of the state crisis management of the leading countries of the European Union; methods of analysis and synthesis - for the detailed study of the object; tabular - for a visual comparison of state crisis management measures of the leading countries of the European Union. Findings. An analysis of the interpretation of the concept of "crisis" by different authors is carried out, and an own definition was proposed. The features of the financial crisis of the leading countries of the European Union were investigated. A comparative analysis was carried out and the characteristics of the ways of stabilizing the economy of different countries, namely, Germany, France, Poland, The Czech Republic, Estonia, were carried out. The ways of overcoming the global financial crisis, taking into account the experience of the leading countries of the European Union, were proposed. Described the features of anti-crisis measures of the European Union in relation to the programs for strengthening budget discipline and the programs of support and development of competitiveness of entrepreneurs. Program to strengthen budget discipline should be attributed to preventive measures to prevent possible negative manifestations in this area. Program support and development of competitiveness of entrepreneurs aimed at the formation of an additional "buffer space" for the real sector of economy and increasing diversification of risks related to possible bankruptcies. Originality. The priority measures of the crisis management of the EU member states have been identified. It was proved that features of anti-crisis measures of the European Union in relation to the program for strengthening budget discipline and program support and development the competitiveness of companies, give the chance more to develop the program for the strengthening of fiscal discipline, which is designed to warn of possible negative manifestations in this area. Practical value. The results of the study can be used to create Ukraine's own state anti-crisis measures based on the experience of the leading countries of the European Union.


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How to Cite
Lisnichuk, O., & Boiaryn, Y. (2020). PRIORITY MEASURES OF STATE ANTICRISM MANAGEMENT IN THE EUROPEAN UNION GUIDING COUNTRIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(38), 34-41. Retrieved from