• Olha Varchenko NSC «Institute of Agrarian Economics»
  • Iryna Artimonova NSC «Institute of Agrarian Economics»
  • Nataliia Kopytets NSC «Institute of Agrarian Economics»
Keywords: demand, rural and urban population, household, market, meat products, income


Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of demand for the main types of meat products in Ukraine. Methodology of research. The following methods and techniques are used for the implementation of the tasks: monographic, statistical groupings, correlation and regression analysis and graphic – for the comprehensive study of the current state of consumption of meat products and the determination of factors affecting its value; questionnaire – to collect information on raising the consumption of meat products; grouping – to determine the impact of various factors on the level of consumption in Ukraine, comparison – to compare economic phenomena in different time periods in order to identify the cause and effect relationship; abstract and logical, settlement and constructive, and balance – in substantiating indicators for consumption of meat products. Results. It is established that consumer demand for meat products is determined by economic, social and demographic and specific factors. It is revealed that economic and social and demographic factors influence the consumer demand for meat products, similar to those inherent in the demand for consumer goods. It is determined that the distinctive feature of consumer demand for the product under investigation is the attitude to food. It is revealed that in the conditions of the formation of market relations and strengthening of the conduit movement in our country there is a tendency to increase the attention of consumers on the quality of goods, which causes a corresponding reaction from the market. Originality. It is proved that the level of consumption in households with high monetary incomes exceeds the scientifically substantiated norms of consumption of meat products, especially in rural households. It has been established that low-calorie products of animal origin, primarily chicken and by-products of categories 1 and 2, are dominated by low-income groups in general consumption. High-income households have been found to prefer to consume pork, less poultry and beef. The share in the structure of consumption of meat processing products, food by- products and canned meat is reduced. It is determined that the main reasons for changes in consumer tastes, depending on changes in incomes, are the price and quality of the product and its nutritional value. Practical value. The obtained results of the study made it possible to identify objective and subjective factors of influence on the formation of the level of demand for meat products. Using the quantitative values of the factor indicators of the market (supply and demand) and their level of influence on the final market results of the market functioning, the planned indicators of the meat products market are developed.


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How to Cite
Varchenko, O., Artimonova, I., & Kopytets, N. (2018). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES FOR THE FORMATION OF DEMAND IN THE MEAT PRODUCTS MARKET IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(39), 166-172. Retrieved from