• Nataliia Nechyporyk National Academy of Statistics, Account and Audit
Keywords: land plot, rent, emphyteusis, superficiencies, servitude, intangible assets


Purpose. The aim of the article is to study the current practice of accounting for leased land plots and rights to use land plots, as well as developing proposals for improving the analytical accounting of these objects of accounting. Methodology of research. The following methods have been applied to achieve the goal in the research process: induction and deduction (in the study of the main characteristics of the real rights of someone else’s property and operating lease of land); grouping and systematic approach (in systematizing the authors’ suggestions on improving the analytical accounting of rights to use land plots); detailing (when developing a facet system for analytical accounting of leased land plots and rights to use them). Results. The current methodology of accounting for lease of land plots and rights to use them is investigated. The main disadvantages of existing approaches to the accounting of rights to use the land plot are established. Recommendations on their elimination on the basis of introduction of a facet system of analytical accounting of leased land plots and rights to use land plots are proposed. The corresponding analytical accounts have been developed and facets have been proposed, the use of which will ensure the formation of differentiated information support for management personnel. Originality. The facet system of analytical accounting of rights for use and lease of land plots is proposed, which involves the development and use of analytical accounts for displaying the rights of land use rights in the context of contracts of servitude, superficies and emphyteusis and simultaneous display of off-balance accounts of the value of land plots purchased for use on the basis of specified rights. Practical value. The results of the research can be used in the formation of information support for the adoption of effective managerial decisions on the rational use of land and rights to use them.


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How to Cite
Nechyporyk, N. (2018). ACCOUNTING RENT AND RIGHTS OF LAND USE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(39), 159-165. Retrieved from