• Kateryna Voloshchuk State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilla
  • Vitalii Voloshchuk State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilla
Keywords: state, innovations, consumers, product, works, services, goods, strategy, enterprise, demands, economy, development


Purpose. Define the status and key preconditions of creating and implementing of strategy of innovative development of enterprises. Methodology of research. Dialectical methods of scientific cognition, systematic, logical and matrix approaches are used to achieve the purpose and to resolve problems. General scientific methods are used in the process of research. Among these methods are: economic and statistic method which is used to generalize trends of innovative development of enterprises; tabular method to demonstrate results of research of volume and sources of financing of innovative activity, costs and types of work; abstract and logical to configure the conclusions and propositions; and matrix to define the strategy of innovative development of enterprises. Findings. The trends of innovative development of enterprises of Khmelnytskyi Region and of Ukraine are generalized. Volume and main sources of financing into innovative activity, costs and types of researches, and ways of activation of innovative entrepreneurship are systemized. Possible orders of defining and implementing the strategy of innovative development of enterprise are separated. There is found out that the effective development of economy as a priority order of perspective social and economic development is possible only on condition of activating of innovative development of enterprises. Innovative development of enterprises would be aimed to modernization, technical rearmament to support extending of manufacturing volume, increasing of effectiveness, and of competitiveness, and arising of citizens’ welfare, and improving of image of Ukraine in the world. We consider, that the activation of innovative development of enterprises demands a comprehensive regulation. Actions on the activation of innovative development of enterprises are related to necessity to support a real sector of economy by the state as well as to stimulating of innovative entrepreneurship. In our opinion, increasing of innovative activity of enterprises and diversification of types of scientific and research activity have to have forecasted features, which are supported by working out of clear innovative strategy, which is ordered to programs of social and economic development. Originality. Scientific approaches to forming and implementing of strategy of innovative development of enterprises are improved. The following research of issue on formalization of influence to development of economy is improved too. Determining of orders of activation of innovative development to implement the strategy of social and economic development, which is based on purposes of economic increasing and providing of competitiveness of domestic goods in the world market, and arising of innovative range of Ukraine is also improved. Analytical means of separating of trends and possibilities of activating of innovative development of enterprises to increasing of welfare of society on the base of effective collaboration between the state, science and entrepreneurship, have gained further development. However, further development have gained such issues as accordance innovative development of enterprises to strategic targets of development of enterprises, providing of synergetic effect, creation an attractive system of motivation of personnel, making out of effective management decisions, adaptation to changes of external environment, missing of interests of interested players. Practical value. Results of research can be used by enterprises and business environment, scientific and research institutions and citizens to activate an innovative development, which demands a comprehensive settlement and is related to necessity to support a real sector of the economy by the state as well as necessity to stimulate scientific and entrepreneurial sectors to innovative development. In the process of using of the results of research it is necessary to take into account that the investment development also demands diversification of innovative goods, introduction of new technologies, meeting the needs of consumers, development of new markets, and support by the state and, working out and implementing of the strategy of innovative development of enterprises.


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How to Cite
Voloshchuk, K., & Voloshchuk, V. (2018). THE STATUS AND PERSPECTIVES OF INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(39), 129-137. Retrieved from